۱۳۸۷ تیر ۲۶, چهارشنبه

فهرست منابع و مراجع

1) "Towards NanoComputer Architecture" , P. Becket et. al. ( available on : crpit.com )
2) "NanoComputer System Engineering" , M. Frank ( available on : www.cise.ufl.edu )
3) "Single-Electron Tunneling Devices" , P. Hadley ( available on : qt.tn.tudelft.nl )
4) "Logic gates made with DNA" , M. Belen (available on : www.iti.uni-stuttgart.de )
5) "DNA Computing by Self-Assembly" , Erik Winfree , The BRIDGE , Winter 2003 (available on : www.dna.caltech.edu )
6) "Nanotechnology and the future of Information technology" , P. Seidler
7) "Development of Nano-Scale DNA Computing Devices" , Z.Zhang et. al. , Current NanoScience 2005 (available on : www.bentham.org )
8) "The promise of quantum computing" , E. Sudarshan ( available on : www.ias.ac.in )
9) "A practical architecture for reliable quantum computers", M. Oskin et. al. ( Available on : www.cs.washington.edu )
10) "Classical and Quantum Logic Gates", A. Muthukrishnan , Quantum Information Seminar , 1999 ( available on : www.optics.rochester.edu )
11) "Demonstration of a fundamental quantum logic gate", C. Monroe et. al. ( Available on : tf.nist.gov )
12) "Quantum Computing with Quantum Dots" , J.Adamowski , SCHEDAE INFORMATICAE , VOL 14 (2005) (available on : www.ii.uj.edu.pl )
13) "Implementation of a quantum search algorithm on a quantum computer" , J. Jones , Nature , vol 393 (May 1998) ( available on : www.science.uva.nl )
14) "Quantum evolutionary programming" , B. Rylander et. al. ( available on : www.cs.umanitoba.ca )
15) "Quantum Information Theory: results and open problems" , Peter Shore & Geom.Funct.Anal, special volume (GAFA 2000) ( available on : dedekind.mit.edu )
16) "Quantum Cryptography" , David Thorne ( available on : intranet.cs.man.ac.uk )
17) "Chapter 10 : Quantum Algorithms" ( available on : www.cs.berkeley.edu )
18) "Structured quantum programming" , B. Omer ( available on : tph.tuwien.ac.at )
19) "Quantum programming languages: Survey and Biblography" , S. J. Gay (available on : www.dcs.gla.ac.uk )
20) "All-Silicon Quantum Computer" , T. Ladd et. al. ( Physical Review Letters , vol 89 (July 2002) (available on : www.appi.keio.ac.jp )
21) "Ultimate theoretical models of minicomputers" , M. Frank et. al. Nanotechnology 9 (1998) ( available on : www.iop.org )
22) "17 Architectures and Simulations for NanoProcessors … " , S. Das et. al.
۲۳)Make IT Happen , James D. McKeen & Heather A.Smith , John Wiley and Sons , 2003
۲۴)Building Next IT Revolution , Steve Lloyd , Department of Physics , Queen Mary , London University
Managing Nano Effects , J. Clarence Davis & Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars

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